Friday 6 May 2016


As the droplet of rain touched my cheek
No one thought I was geek,
Amidst the night on the bed
In no time my face turned red,
There was someone whom I was missing
Swayed along with the water dripping,
Blessed by the natural showers after so long
My heart was beating a romantic song,
Falling droplets blocked me to gaze the sky
It appeared someone's memory just made me cry,
Enjoy the rain I told myself,
Will meet your love all by yourself...

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Bring A Smile | A different way to celebrate New Year

There are two kinds of people- one who needs and one who wants. New Year eve was a celebration day but we bunch of guys thought to enjoy it in quite different way which any normal person will hardly give even a thought to it. We were wandering the Mysore streets which typically looked like a gang with around twelve bikes and precisely three cars. Now before you arrives at any conclusion, let me make it very clear. We weren’t there just feeling the cool breeze, or enjoying the night life to welcome a new year.
We with bright eyes were searching for dull ones to make them alike. I hope you must have got it by now and if no, here is the context. Our motive was to ‘Bring A Smile’ to all the poor and homeless people who stay on roadside of Mysore. We all gathered at hotel Tender Roots near water tank with a couple of hunk bikes and definitely lots of people, roughly around 40 and went straight away to railway station area where we can actually expect people waiting for us. Along the way too, we found few people and blessed them with blankets, fruits and a pair of slippers.
As I mentioned in very first line, there were people who actually needed the things we were delivering and others, visualizing happenings around them wanted it. But it doesn’t matter, anyhow it is only for good cause. Then, we met a father with two kids who just wanted to return to his home but couldn’t because he didn’t had single penny and even if he had he must have spent it to feed the kids. One of our fellow members pulled some cash and simply placed in father’s hand and at the very moment rather keeping it with himself, he gave it to his daughter. It couldn’t be simply explained in words the thanksgiving and blessings which that person was showering upon us. There were many such incidents which can definitely give you goose bumps but very few of people would listen to their inner soul and follow their heart.
I am really thankful to people who gave me opportunity to celebrate New Year in a whole different way and let “Bring A Smile” to those for whom each day spent well is a boon. Great work, folks!!! Always keep that spirit in you and we will always be there. Kudos.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Nothing Succeeds Like Success...!!!

"Nothing succeeds like success", this statement is very true in its context. Success is what each and every human seek for in their respective field. Success is achieved through a series of failures, without failure you will never know its actual meaning. All desire success but only a few actually taste it with their sweat and constant efforts. You have to struggle for success, experience ups and downs and as quoted by Steve Jobs be determined to "do what you love". You are the producer of your destiny, none shall can snatch it until you give them away.

Some people blame lack of resources being hindrance in their success but if it had been so, what do you think about Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Steven Spielberg, APJ Abdul Kalam ? There are countless people who regardless of having solid background have reached to great heights. Some other would say they are short of achieving success because of their physical condition and for them Stephen Hawking is the best person to look upon. Ever thought person with disabilities can be first to set forth a cosmology with the application of general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

One should be determined in what they desire to achieve in life. Without trying different things you will never know what you are capable of and what miracles you can create. According to me, "One who is not firm, will always be like a worm". People who keep on wandering and never stick to one thing are not acceptable. They are rejected by society because of their unusual behavior towards work and they live in depression leading solitary life without any fun. They seem to be pessimistic in their thought.

But regardless of pointing out deficiencies in other, a successful person thinks in rectifying things. They discover their own ways to handle the situation. In a nutshell, I would like to end this with the popular dialogue of movie 3 Idiots, "Run for excellency, Success will definitely follow you" and then you will feel nothing succeeds like success.

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